Monday, October 15, 2012

Living in Fear

       Fear, that feeling inside that paralyzes you. The reason you lay in bed some days and just can't move. That feeling you get as a kid when  you are about to get on that first roller coaster. Fear can make us physically ill. I know for me personally heights are terrifying, yet I have no problems with roller coasters or flying. Fears can be completely irrational.

       However recently I have determined that the worst thing about fear is letting it control you and keep you from where you should be in life. For me personally one of my biggest fears is failure. For a long time I have let this fear run my life. It is why I haven't taken more chances in certain aspects in my life. And it is at times why I haven't trusted God even when his message to me was crystal clear. FEAR!!!

      Lately I have been working on putting fear and anxiety behind me. There have been times when my personal fears have caused me such anxiety that I have had panic attacks or become depressed to the point where it is hard to get out of bed. When things would take, what I felt was a bad turn in life, I would shut down or, as a good friend of mine put it, turn into a ball of stress. And when I say a bad turn it was simply me being selfish as things were not going the way that I felt they should. I would say things like "why me?" or "what have I done to deserve this?"

       I have discovered over the past year and a half that it was not necessarily what I was doing but more so what I wasn't doing. I had been trying to control my destiny and control the world around me, simply a task that I could not accomplish, at least not on my own. Trying to live a life in this fashion will certainly always result in the one thing I feared the most...FAILURE!!!

       It was roughly a year and a half now since Jess, Leah, and I walked into the movie theater for a church service at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. I went in broken and beat up. We had been through job losses, financial issues, family issues. Man I tell you if ever I had felt like a failure at any point in my life it was the worst at this particular time. When I left that service I left with a much different feeling than when I walked in. I am not saying I didn't feel like a failure at the time but the burden I felt had lightened some.

       Since that day I have discovered People of the Second Chance. Through their organization I have met people and read stories that made me realize I am not the only one like this out there. I am not the only person who makes mistakes, loses jobs, and has had some rough spots in my life. For a change I didn't feel alone with these thoughts. People of the Second Chance has also taught me another very important lesson. That grace and forgiveness are a crucial part to overcoming this fear. Not only being able to receive them but also being able to show them myself.

        It is because of grace and forgiveness that I am conquering this fear of failure. It is not that I want to fail... ever, however there will most likely be other times in my life that I will fall short of goals. It is how I determine to deal with them that is ultimately changed. Knowing that even when I fail that my wife and family still love me and that God does not look at me as any less of a man. It is amazing to have a burden like this lifted off your shoulders and makes life a lot more enjoyable when you know this unconditional love I am talking about.

       Recently I have been blessed with the opportunity to start working with an incredible youth group! It is an incredibly scary and rewarding experience at the same time. Working with them had pushed me to face multiple fears all at once. I am afraid of acceptance, public speaking, and of course failure. However every Wednesday night I am facing each one of these fears. Alone I would never be able to do this but with God I am able to overcome them. Point being, we all have fear and we all go through rough times, we can try and go through these alone and deal with the burdens and the stress or we can trust in the one who knows you inside and out and knows the reasoning behind everything that goes on in your life.

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Be Present

How often do we live in the past, or stay up late at night worrying about the future? How much of our lives are we missing focusing on things that we can't change or haven't even happened yet? I am as guilty as anyone else out there of doing this, it seems at times that living in the moment is impossible. We all have so much going on at any given moment whether it is finances, relationships, children or jobs, it is hard to be present completely at any given time. Any moment I know that I personally have a ton of things going on in my head. I like to think of myself as a multitasker. A lot of times while holding a conversation, working, speaking, or watching TV there are numerous other thoughts running through my head. Now this doesn't mean that it always detracts from the moment but depending on what I am thinking, it can definitely cause distraction. This is another aspect of my life I really want to improve (another resolution I guess).

So often it is easy to dwell on that bad day you had yesterday or that huge bill you have due in 3 day, but these things that you really can't control are costing precious moments in your life. I don't want to miss out on quality time with my wife or daughter of playing in the yard or having those crazy conversation that you can only have with a 5 year old because of things I can't control. 

All we are ever guaranteed in this life is that moment that we are living right now. If we are not in this moment there is no telling what opportunities we are missing. How many times have you heard a contest announcer say "Must be present to win" I am attempting to adopt that fine print disclaimer into my life. If I am not present in the moment there is no chance for me to win at anything.

I have always been someone who worried a lot. My wife can attest to this strongly. So actually being present means that worry has to be something I work on as well. It is a work in progress just have to remember to shrug off the worry and keep living where we are right now.

#Winning (couldn't resist)

Mat 6:25"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?

Mat 6:34"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day [is] its own trouble.

Monday, January 23, 2012


One of the things I really want to work on this year is my listening. It's not that I don't listen all the time, it is just as some would like to say, I have selective hearing. I have a knack for hearing what I want to hear and tuning out everything else. Until recently I never saw this as much of a problem. And in my opinion most of what I wasn't listening too was unimportant.

However recently I was having a conversation with someone and it was a conversation that I had with said person several times. However the same issue we had in our previous conversation was popping up again. We had discussed this issue and the resolution to it in each of the previous conversations yet we were ending it again with the same result. That is when I realized that though I was speaking I was not being heard. I was also becoming frustrated with the situation.

Frustrated probably doesn't begin to describe it actually. I was furious. But while sitting and thinking about the situation through my anger I turned this listening issue on myself. There are times when Jess will ask me about a conversation I have had with someone and I can barely remember what I had spoken to them about. WHY? Because at times I don't listen. I may look attentive and apply the "smile and nod" or frown and nod technique depending on the situation but I may not have heard a word you said. It is normally after this type of conversation Jess will ask "What did you and so and so talk about?" My canned response is normally nothing to which she replies "You didn't listen at all did you." Normally I would be defensive and say that I did listen it just wasn't anything important. But as I sat thinking about my own anger towards someone not listening to me, I am regularly guilty of the same thing myself.

So even though I am getting a slightly late start on my changes for the New Year, I am going to attempt to be more attentive and listen more.

I heard a great anecdote the other day: "Why did God give us two ears and only one mouth? So we can hear twice as much as we say." Thanks to Tom for the quote! He had no idea that I was working on this and it was not said to me, but I was glad I was actually listening.